Friday, September 4, 2009

Outlook Tips - Create Email Template

Sometimes, you may find that you will be sending emails of the same content again and again (maybe to send monthly report, etc...) and you'll find that you have to type same sentances for these emails again and again.

If that's the case, try saving the email message as a template and later you can reuse it.
  1. Compose new email as you usually do with normal emails. Put in the subject and if you are going to always send to the same receipient, you can put the receipient email addresses in the To, CC or BCC field.
  2. Once complete, click the Office Button and select Save As.

  3. In the Save As dialog box, change the Save as type: to Outlook Template.
  4. Name the file and select your file location if you want to save it in different location or just leave it in the default template location as it is.

For earlier version users, you must first disable the Use Microsoft Office Word 2003 to edit e-mail messages feature found in Tools > Options menu under the Mail Format tab of the Options dialog box.

Follow the steps 2 to 4 as stated above (slight difference in step 2 where you should click File menu instead of Office Button).

To use the template (same process for Outlook 2007 or earlier):

  1. From Tools menu, go to Forms and select Choose Form... .

  2. In the Choose Form dialog box, select User Templates in File System from Look In: combo box.

  3. Select the template listed or click the Browse button if the template is in other location.
  4. Click Open.

Now you can continue to add attachment(s) or amend the template as required.